Official statement on the safety of MamboBaby Float use

Official statement on the safety of MamboBaby Float use
Dear Parents,

Recently, an article questioning the safety of MamboBaby Float has gained widespread attention, particularly from an individual claiming to be a swimming instructor. We place immense value on the safety and trust of our users and parents, and hence feel compelled to issue the following detailed statement.

Unfounded Claims About Tipping Over
The swimming instructor raised a specific concern regarding the MamboBaby Float having a risk of tipping over. Let's be very clear: these allegations are unfounded and, frankly, defamatory. Our products have undergone rigorous safety and stability tests, including those that examine the risk of tipping over. In practical terms, within the reasonable scope of use, infants are unable to tip the float over by their own force.

Moreover, we have never had any incident of child injury or mortality associated with our product. Not only have we never received feedback from parents about the MamboBaby Float tipping over, but our social media accounts also receive daily commendations from parents expressing their love and confidence in the safety of MamboBaby Float.

The Impact on Infant Swimming Lessons
It's worth noting that the convenience our product provides might impact the demand for infant swimming lessons. While it's understandable that professionals in that area might have concerns, it is irresponsible and unfair to spread unfounded rumors and defamation. Children's safety should be the shared goal for all, and it shouldn't be compromised by deliberate misinformation.

Product Quality and Safety Standards
We would like to reiterate that our MamboBaby Float uses a solid Pearl-Foam filler. This filler is not only lightweight and elastic but has also been safety-tested rigorously to eliminate the risk of air leakage and tipping over.

The Role of Parents
When you see images on social media of children "alone" using the MamboBaby Float, please understand that these scenarios are captured under close parental watch. We emphatically state in our user instructions and promotions that parents or guardians must supervise within arm's reach. This is not an option; it is a mandatory safety guideline.

Transparency and Responsibility
We understand that any issue regarding the safety of children is extremely sensitive and critical. As such, we warmly welcome feedback and scrutiny from professionals and the public, while also taking up the responsibility to thoroughly examine our products and policies. Regarding the swimming instructor who has raised concerns, we are open to direct dialogue to understand specific apprehensions and take necessary corrective measures.

Thank you for your steadfast trust and continued support of MamboBaby Float. We pledge to continuously improve our product's safety and quality, assuring parents and safeguarding our most precious gifts—our children.